Hello all
As some readers may already know, a little over a year ago a very old staff (as in he worked for me 10 years ago, not that he really old) started to work for me again. He's an independent author and that was the main reason why he came back was to devote more time to his writings.
Taking advantage of his new skill list I published my book 'The Journey' as an ebook. Over 500 downloads latter I consider it a great personal success. For those who still haven't read it you get it free from Smashwords, KOBO and IBooks. It's also available on Amazon but that seller has problems with free books so it on again off again free or 99 cents US. These are only a sample of where you can find 'The Journey", it pretty much available anywhere ebooks are sold.
Given the success of 'The Journey' I started writing a series of essays on various disability topics. I've also published these and are available for 99 US cents each at Amazon , Kobo, Ibooks, and Smashwords. I urge to to check them all out, I think they're good value for the money.
Finally all the publishing also got me noticed by other content providers. The good people at the Selfadvocate offered me a monthly column. The first one is up so take a look.
So that's it. The reason why I haven't been writing here much is because I've become a professional writer. I believe that what I have something to say and that it is important and that like many people out there a small fee is not unreasonable.