Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Here is a good resource for information about accessibility. The website is:

Remove The Barriers

In my opinion, we have been asked many many times over the years for our opinions and contributions which often fell on deaf ears.  Government often speaks to these great ideas but rarely do they get put into action.  In some cases, they never see the light of day.  Often the powers that be, albeit well-meaning, don't actually utilize our great ideas - only lip-service.  One very strong thought I have in order to decrease the amount of barriers would be to introduce proper Individualized Funding.  Government and many activists will tell you that I.F. exists in Canada but in my opinion, it is not as was intended when I worked on it in 2004, with the Interim Authority Board which is now known as CLBC (Community Living BC).    Also, there has been talk of a Federal Disability Act but now more talk about a provincial version of this.  This in my opinion would also go a long to way to further reduce barriers.  We always talk about funding as being a barrier.  If we had proper I.F., then we (the disabled) could choose how and where to use this funding.  My budget is so far removed from being able to understand or make decisions about it.  In my case, my service providers control the funding.  "ACTION" is where it's at.  Let's do something about this..   I am willing and ready to have a LIVE conversation with anyone out there who agrees with ACTION and let's just make it happen.  Groups like Lions, Elks, are all dying because the older people didn't pass it on to the younger generation.  A very important piece not being carried on = therefore, isolation.  Technology has also isolated us to some degree.  So , again, I say - "FACE TO FACE" should not disappear.  I know it's hard.  I am a disabled woman.  It may be hard to get together, but let's just keep trying again and again. 

Just Fix It

Hello !  I am disabled, yet I can figure it out.

If you have a problem, don't waste time thinking, worrying and re-thinking.  Just DO !

Go straight to the top and get it fixed now.

I recently had four household  things to fix which were Metro Housings' jobs.  I put in the request one morning and when I got home from shopping they were all done.

Why can't Government do the same?

Thursday, 28 November 2013

"Touch - It's a Good Thing" by Cathy Grant

Touch: It’s a Good Thing
Cathy Grant

Without touch you can die.

I may not have died physically in the past, but my emotions and my soul were on the critical list several times. I feel that many people still have a problem touching  individuals who are disabled. The reasons for these problems are many. Part of it might be ignorance, but mostly I think it is fear, fear that they may hurt me in some way, fear that my disability is somehow contagious, fear that they may get into trouble with me or someone else it they “invade my personal space”. These fears are often exasperated by my electric wheelchair.  I wish people (this included, in the past staff people) could get over this, because it was contact with others that finally helped me to start healing.

The reason why touch is so important is because it lets the disabled person know that they are real. This might sound a bit strange but let me explain with an example from my own life. 

I am a middle aged woman with cerebal palsey. I would be the first one to admit that I am sensitive about parts of my body, and that if I move or am moved too quickly in the wrong way, it hurts and I let people know it. However, this does not mean that I am made out of glass! A gentle squeeze on the shoulder, back or hand is not going to break bones. If you are unsure about whether or not some form of touch is welcome or not, just ask! I or whomever you are supporting will generally let you know. 

When I am talking about hugs and touch in general, it is still very important to respect your own boundaries and those of the person you are supporting. A hug given under duress is not a good hug.

When I was very young, I was very upset one night and my dad picked me up walked me through the house. As well as walking, he started to dance with me in the living room, with me in his arms. I remember this as if this happened only yesterday. In the world today, there have been studies whereby children who get touched are happier and healthier as they get older.
When I and my twin bother were born, we were both in incubators for around 52 days. The incubators at that time did not allow for much touch by medical staff let alone parents. I personally feel that this had long term negative affects on me physically and emotionally.  Making it more difficult to relate to  people around me and increasing my feelings of isolation. 

I do know how I survived my childhood and my teen years with very little touch from the people around me. I did this by faith and determination that my needs would eventually be met. My needs finally started getting met just over a year ago. At this time I started getting honest and more open with my staff, my friends and most importantly myself. I try to stay honest even when things start to get rough. It has not been easy. I still have my bad days. Old tapes are played back, and I’ve ended up in screaming matches with my staff or friends. However, in the end, the air has been cleared, and their hugs have let my body know that everything is alright. 

In my past, I had lots of hug poster-poem sayings all through my house. But people never seemed to get the hint! 

A really good example of what I’m talking about happened about a year and a half ago. I was talking to a new staff person who had had a lot of experience in the field. I was telling him about my life, an old story that I seemed to tell all of my staff, when he suddenly came over and gave me a big hug. At first I was floored that someone was actually perceptive enough to see what I really needed. Then, I felt as if he was truly there with me at that time in that place. I also felt emotionally safe for the first time in a long time. As soon as that happened all the anger and frustration that I have been holding onto for years came up and out. I cried and cried, and all that this new staff did was hold on to me in silence. When the initial onrush had settled down he quietly listened to me. He couldn’t help me with the problems that I had, but by just being present and letting me know by his physical actions that I was in that space helped me heal.   

Monday, 25 November 2013

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

I hope you will take time to look at the link above for International Day of Persons with Disabilities.   It is on Friday, December 3, 2013.  It is being held at the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre, 181 Roundhouse Mews
Vancouver, from 1 - 7 pm.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Good morning everyone;

Today's focus is on "Sharing your stories".  

As you know, my sister Thora Rogers and I are working on various projects with Fiona Whittington-Walsh and Kwantlen Polytechnic University students on such areas as "Designing communities", "Rallies", "Individualized Funding" etc.  We are starting the project "Building Bridges" in January and will be working tirelessly with university students and Fiona to gather real life stories from persons with disabilities.  The students would interview interested parties, document the information and make it available through social media to help educate the public as to what persons with disabilities face each and every day of their lives.   We need your help !  If you would like to share your story we would love to hear from you.  It could be kept anonymous if you so desire and everyone would be treated with the utmost respect and consideration.  Please contact me, Cathy Grant through Facebook or my sister Thora Rogers (also on Facebook)  We look forward to hearing from you.

Cathy Grant

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


These past few months have been hectic, yet fulfilling!  Thora and I had our first experience working with Fiona Whittington-Walsh and her university students in a project focused on re-designing the George Pearson Center and Dogwood Lodge.  These amazing students will be presenting their Community designs to the residents next week.  We look forward to hearing the results. 

Next on the agenda is "Building Bridges", a project with Fiona at  Kwantlen Polytechnic University  and her students.  We will  assist and mentor the students in their endeavour to gather and document personal life stories from persons with disabilities and get the stories to the public over social media.  The end result will be a huge "STOP THE CUTS RALLY ON APRIL 5, 2014 - time and location to be determined.

I am including the link to our Soapbox Radio interview from October 30, 2013 regarding these projects and more.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Introducing my New Blog

Hello fellow bloggers, interested and concerned people;

My name is Cathy Grant and I am a fierce Disabilities Activist who is always interested in helping anyone I can.  Unfortunately, as we are all human, I can't always help everyone in every situation but I am always willing to try, within reason.

I believe in Our Lord, Jesus Christ.  I believe that "Honesty is not just the best policy, but in fact, the ONLY policy".  I myself am loyal to a fault and expect that everyone else should be.  I believe we are desperate to have basic civil rights of which there are none to speak of in Canada at this time.  I believe everyone should have the ability to choose their own path in life whether it be where they live, or what type of support they need, etc.

My sister, Thora,  and I, plan to update you on a weekly basis.  Until then, stay happy, well and fulfilled.

Cathy Grant